
Chapter 12 Collecting Power Consumption Data and Displaying Graphs
Explains how to export the power consumption data collected from registered power monitoring targets and how to display it as
graphs, and also describes the exported data's format.
Chapter 13 Monitoring Resource Pools (Dashboard)
Explains the monitoring of resource pools.
Chapter 14 Monitoring L-Platforms
Explains the monitoring of L-Platforms.
Chapter 15 Accounting
Explains charging.
Chapter 16 Monitoring Logs
Explains the monitoring of logs.
Section 5 High Availability
Chapter 17 High Availability of Managed Resources
Explains failover.
Chapter 18 Disaster Recovery
Explains the Disaster Recovery function for L-Servers.
Appendix A Notes on Operating ServerView Resource Orchestrator
Gives important reminders for the operation of Resource Orchestrator.
Appendix B Metering Log
Explains metering logs.
Explains the terms used in this manual. Please refer to it when necessary.
Notational Conventions
The notation in this manual conforms to the following conventions.
- When using Resource Orchestrator and the functions necessary differ due to the necessary basic software (OS), it is indicated as
[Windows Manager]
Sections related to Windows manager
[Linux Manager] Sections related to Linux manager
[Windows] Sections related to Windows (When not using Hyper-V)
[Linux] Sections related to Linux
[Solaris] Sections related to Solaris or Solaris Containers
[VMware] Sections related to VMware
[Hyper-V] Sections related to Hyper-V
[Xen] Sections related to RHEL5-Xen
[KVM] Sections related to RHEL-KVM
[Solaris Containers] Sections related to Solaris containers
[Oracle VM] Sections related to Oracle VM
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