
Item Description
Format:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS (*1)
Example:2013-03-31 23:59:59.999
ChargeAmount The amount of usage charges for each L-Platform.
The amounts are values, so they are not enclosed with double-quotes (").
Format:ZZZZZZZZZZZ9 (*2)
*1: Data enclosed with double-quotes (").
*2: The amount is shown only, without the currency symbol.
The following is an example of file output:
"TNT00001","tenant01","2012-02-01 09:30:40.001","2012-02",1800,"1.0","","","",
"","","","",,"","TNT00001-LPlatform01","template-TNT00001-LPlatform01","2012-01-10 09:30:40.001",
"","","","",,"","TNT00001-LPlatform02","template-TNT00001-LPlatform02","",800 Usage charge Detail File
The usage charge detail file is a file in CSV format showing the breakdown of usage charges for each L-Platform.
The output items are as follows:
Item Description
TenantName This is the tenant name. (*1)
TenantDisplayName This is the display name. Note (*1)
TenantDeletedDate This is the date and time the tenant was deleted.
Output only if the tenant has already been deleted. Empty string is output if this has not
been deleted.
Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS (*1)
Example:2013-03-31 23:59:59.999
LplatformId This is the L-Platform ID. (*1)
LplatformName This is the L-Platform name. (*1)
LplatformDeletedDate Date that the L-Platform was returned.
Output only if the L-Platform has already been returned. Empty string is output if this
has not been returned.
Format:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS (*1)
Example:2013-03-31 23:59:59.999
Date This is the cut-off date.
Format:YYYY-MM (*1)
ChargeAmount The amount of usage charges for each L-Platform.
The amounts are values, so they are not enclosed with double-quotes (").
Format:ZZZZZZZZZZZ9 (*1)
FileVersion This is the version of the file.
Fixed as 1.0.
ItemColumn1 This is a breakdown (item 1).
The template name, virtual L-Server name, or physical L-Server name is output.
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