
Chapter 17 High Availability of Managed Resources
This chapter explains failover.
17.1 High Availability of Managed Resources
This section explains how to realize high availability of managed resources.
The methods of environment creation and operation for enabling higher availability of managed resources vary depending on resources
- Servers
Refer to "17.1.1 High Availability of L-Servers".
- Blade Chassis
Refer to "17.1.2 Blade Chassis High Availability".
- Storage Chassis
Refer to "17.1.3 High Availability for Storage Chassis".
17.1.1 High Availability of L-Servers
This section explains high availability for L-Servers.
Regardless of the server type, select the [HA] checkbox on the [Server] tab to perform redundancy settings when creating an L-Server.
- For physical L-Servers
Select the [HA] checkbox to enable the selection of the pool of a spare server.
The server pool of the spare server that the physical server will use for automatic switchover is registered in can be specified.
For details on the [Server] tab, refer to "16.2.2 [Server] Tab" in the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource
Management) CE".
For the details on conditions for switchover to spare servers, refer to "9.3 Server Switchover Conditions" in the "Setup Guide VE".
- For virtual L-Servers
Settings differ according to the server virtualization software being used.
Refer to "16.3.2 [Server] Tab" in the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".
Checks of Spare Server Models and Configurations
The L-Server definition and spare server configuration are checked when configuring server redundancy during creation or modification
of a physical L-Server.
Confirmation is performed on the following items of an L-Server definition and spare server configuration:
- Server Model
Check if there is a server compatible with the L-Server definition in the specified server pool.
The compatibility of server models is evaluated by the definition file for checks on spare server models and configurations.
The definition file is created when installing managers.
When installing a new compatible server model, update the definition file by adding the server model.
In the following cases, the same server model of physical server as the server specified in the L-Server definition is selected.
- When there is no definition file
- When there is an error in definitions
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