
Chapter 11 Monitoring Resources
This chapter explains how to monitor the configuration and status of managed resources.
11.1 Overview
Resource Orchestrator can centrally monitor the configuration and status of servers or other managed resources directly from the ROR
console. This enables the identification of resources experiencing problems, which reduces the time spent on system maintenance.
Moreover, Resource Orchestrator can easily launch external management software to precisely locate faulty parts within a managed
Monitoring is based on the following three components:
- Resources
Resource Orchestrator can centrally monitor the configuration and status of servers and other managed resources (Chassis, LAN
switches, LAN switch blades, network devices, physical OSs, VM hosts and guests, power monitoring devices, etc.) directly from the
ROR console.
When a hardware problem occurs on a server, affected guest operating systems can be easily detected.
Power monitoring devices are not subject to monitoring.
- Events
Resource Orchestrator displays events such as hardware failures, server switchovers triggered by hardware failures, and the results of
every performed operation.
- Recent Operations
Resource Orchestrator displays the progress status of the various operations performed on resources.
The following table shows the level of monitoring performed for each resource monitored in Resource Orchestrator.
Table 11.1 Monitoring Level for Each Resource Type
Resource Status Monitoring Event Monitoring
Chassis Yes Yes
Server Yes Yes
Physical OS Yes No
VM Hosts Yes No
VM Guest Yes No
VM management software Yes No
LAN switch blade Yes Yes
Network device Yes No
Power monitoring device No No
Yes: Supported
No: Not supported
Regular Update of Resource Data
The Resource Orchestrator manager regularly updates resource data with information gathered from the following resources.
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