
- Agent Service
Resource Coordinator Agent
- Related Services
- Deployment Agent
- Systemwalker SQC DCM
From the Windows Control Panel, open [Administrative Tools]. Then, open the [Services] window to check the state of each service.
The following explains how to start and stop each service.
- Agent Service
Agents can be started and stopped using the start and stop subcommands of the rcxadm agtctl command.
For details of the command, refer to "5.3 rcxadm agtctl" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE".
- Related Services
From the Windows Control Panel, open [Administrative Tools]. Then, open the [Services] window to stop or start the following
- Deployment Agent
- Systemwalker SQC DCM
[Linux] [VMware] [Xen] [KVM]
The agent consists of the following services.
- Agent Service
- Related Services
- Deployment Agent
For VMware vSphere 4.0 or later version, Deployment Agent is not automatically started, as backup and restore, and cloning
functions cannot be used. It is not necessary to start up.
- Systemwalker SQC DCM
Execute the following commands to determine whether the agent is running or not. If those commands show that the processes for the
agent and deployment services are running, then the agent can be asserted to be running.
- Agent Service
# /bin/ps -ef | grep FJSVssagt <RETURN>
- Related Services
# /bin/ps -ef | grep scwagent <RETURN>
To check the running state of the service of Systemwalker SQC DCM, execute the following command:
# /etc/rc0.d/K00ssqcdcm <RETURN>
The following explains how to start and stop each service.
- Agent Service
Agents can be started and stopped using the start and stop subcommands of the rcxadm agtctl command.
For details of the command, refer to "5.3 rcxadm agtctl" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE".
- Related Services
Execute the following command to start or stop the collection of image files, deployment of image files, and server startup control.
Starting an L-Server
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