
2. Modify the managerview_config.xml file.
Open the following file.
[Windows Manager]
[Linux Manager]
Modify the value of the entry tag with vsys-port as the key value.
- The entry tag with vsys-port as the key value
An example is shown below. The section in italics is the information to be modified.
<entry key="vsys-port">8013</entry>
8.4 Editing Information in the Home Window
This section explains how to edit the information that is displayed on the lower part of the home window of the ROR Console.
- The information can also be used to notify tenant administrators and tenant users of who to contact.
- The messages can also be edited in the home window. Refer to "3.2 Editing the Home Messages" in the "User's Guide for Infrastructure
Administrators CE" for details.
Information are divided into those for infrastructure administrators and those for tenant administrators and tenant users, so use the following
respective text files to edit them:
For infrastructure administrators
[Windows Manager]
[Linux Manager]
For tenant administrators and tenant users
[Windows Manager]
[Linux Manager]
Enter the message, line by line, in the following format:
date, message
- UTF-8 must be used as the character code in the text file.
- There is no schedule format specified. If no schedule is required, use a comma at the start of the line, and then subsequently enter the
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