- Administrator privileges are required. If the operating system is Windows Server 2008, execute as the administrator.
- This command can be executed on the admin server.
[Linux Manager]
- System administrator (superuser) privileges are required.
- This command can be executed on the admin server.
Output files
The following table shows the file name, file size, and generations of the audit log:
Log name Description File size Number of generations
swrba_audit.log Audit logs are output. 10 MB 10 (*)
* Note:
- The trigger for the generation switchover is when the file exceeds 10MB.
If the file size does not reach 10 MB, the log continues to be output to the same file even if the swrba_audit command is executed
multiple times.
- Once 10 generations (100 MB) is exceeded, the oldest file (swrba_audit9.log) is deleted.
The table below shows the log output destination.
[Windows Manager]
Output folder Output destination files
\SWRBAM\var\audit swrba_audit.log.[n] (n is the generation)
[Linux Manager]
Output folder Output destination files
/opt/FJSVswrbam/var/audit swrba_audit.log.[n] (n is the generation)
Output format
The audit log is a CSV format file. The following items are output in the following order.
One item of process instance information is displayed as one record.
"Process instance start time","Process instance starter","Process instance name","Process instance
state","Process instance end time","Activity name","Task execution date/time","Person
responsible","Status","Task process",...,"Result of application"
Item Description
Process instance start time
Time when the application was executed
Process instance starter
User ID of applicant
Process instance name
Process instance name
State of process instance
State of process instance
closed: Closed
Process instance end time
Time that the process instance ended
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss
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