conform fully to the industry-standard DocBook (SGML) and xDocBook (XML) DTDs
for technical documentation. The XHTML sample application conforms to the DTD for
the next generation of HTML — the Extensible HTML version 1.0 transition DTD.
DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) is an industry-standard information
model that facilitates re-use and re-purposing of modular information units.
FrameMaker 8 provides a rich environment for authoring and publishing DITA-compliant
content. FrameMaker 8 supports the authoring of DITA topics, including task, concept,
and reference types, and DITA maps. Support for content fragment reuse (conref) is pro-
vided through a graphical interface. DITA xref elements are converted to “live”
FrameMaker cross-references, and book building from DITA maps is supported. The
FrameMaker 8 DITA support is highly configurable. You can modify the provided
FrameMaker DITA templates to specify your own publishing formats, or you can create
your own DITA specializations.
Rich Media Publishing Features
FrameMaker users often choose Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) as a publishing
format, and FrameMaker software makes the process automatic. An Adobe PDF Creation
Add-On is included with the FrameMaker software, allowing the generation of PDF docu-
ments with a simple “save as PDF” operation. Cross-references and hypertext links within
and between documents are preserved when you convert to PDF.
FrameMaker supports several graphics formats that are common in interactive content.
FrameMaker 8 adds support for U3D and SWF files. These file formats allow the authoring
and publishing of new forms of interactive PDF content from FrameMaker 8 software.
Authoring Tools for Complex Documents
FrameMaker offers a proven, powerful set of long-document authoring and management
tools. Master page usage can be associated to specific paragraph tags or elements, and cus-
tom master pages can be rearranged in any order. This functionality reduces manual layout
chores for custom pages. Twelve running headers and footers are available, and a Select/
Deselect All button streamlines the process of importing formats between documents. Out-
of-the-box layout options and a rich set of examples for skill building are provided by book
templates and structured templates. The option of saving a document in FrameMaker 7.0
format provides backward compatibility with prior versions of the software.
Accessibility Features
FrameMaker supports accessibility for authors with impaired vision and support for the
creation of accessible documents. Accessibility features provided by Windows 2000,
Windows XP, and Windows Vista are supported, including a high-contrast user interface,
screen reader compatibility, and keyboard shortcuts.
FrameMaker supports the creation of accessible documents in many ways. Template-based
publishing makes it possible to output several versions of a document, including a large-
print edition. FrameMaker supports the generation of tagged PDF, which identifies a pub-
lication’s layout elements and contents and the visual relationships between them. This
allows logical reflow of tagged PDF files during viewing on a broad range of devices with
widely varying screen sizes. You can use conditional tags and graphics attributes to display