choose which paragraph or element tags to use as PDF bookmarks from a scrolling list. In
the Tags tab, you can control tagged PDF creation. In the Links tab, you can create named
destinations for all paragraphs referenced by hyperlinks and cross-references. You can
reduce PDF file size by turning off the Create Destinations option in this tab.
FrameMaker also allows you to optimize PDF file size for files or books. To modify the
default settings, choose Format>Document>Optimize PDF Size>Options. You can specify
settings for selected documents or an entire book. You can make optimization consistent
across a group of files, choose whether to prompt when opening and overwriting existing
files, select a directory in which to save your optimized files, and specify whether to abort
the conversion process if errors occur. After you make your settings, choose Format>Doc-
ument>Optimize File.
Saving a Book as PDF
1. To save a book in PDF format, make the Book window active and choose File>Save As
PDF. The Save Document dialog appears. Choose a file name, and click Save.
2. Use the PDF Setup dialog’s Bookmarks tab to specify which paragraphs to convert to
bookmarks and how to thread articles in the resulting PDF files. Use the Tags tab to
specify settings for the creation of a tagged PDF file if needed. Specify settings for
named destinations in the Links tab. Click Set to save the new settings.
The FrameMaker document authoring toolset has long been a mainstay for organizations
who need to publish complex documents. With its automated page layout, template and
style management, and imported text and graphics handling features, FrameMaker can
increase the efficiency and ease of multichannel publishing of long, complex documents.
You can associate master page usage to specific paragraph tags or elements using the For-
mat>Page Layout>Apply Master Pages command. Master pages are mapped to tags and
elements on the MasterPageMaps reference page.