Creating a new DITA Topic
To create a new DITA topic, choose DITA>New DITA File. You can create a generic DITA
topic, or you can create an instance of one of the specialized topic types that are defined by
the DITA specification — concept, task, or reference.
1. Enter a new DITA topic file name. You can use a .xml or .dita file extension.
2. Use the FrameMaker element catalog and structure view to create valid DITA content.
3. Choose File>Save to save your DITA content at any time.
FrameMaker 8 provides highly configurable DITA support. You can use the provided
Adobe templates for authoring and publishing DITA-compliant topics and maps. You can
also modify the Adobe DITA templates to meet your own information specialization or
formatting requirements. You can specify the default DITA applications in the
DITA>DITA Options dialog.
Inserting a DITA conref
The DITA conref mechanism supports information re-use at the fragment level. A refer-
enced unit of content may be as large as an entire topic or as small as a single inline ele-
ment. The referenced content is maintained in one location.
1. To insert a reusable DITA fragment, place your cursor at the location in the document
structure where you wish to insert the reusable fragment. Referenced content must be
valid at the current location.