To copy table formats between files or to some or all of the documents in a book, you can
use the File>Import>Formats command. The Import Formats dialog includes a Select/
Deselect All button that allows you to quickly and conveniently check and uncheck all the
available options.
FrameMaker 8 software introduces Track Text Edit capability. As a document is modified,
FrameMaker highlights the author’s modifications. Both text insertions and deletions are
marked. The author can later accept or reject each modification, individually or for the
entire document. The Track Text Edit feature is supported for both structured and
unstructured documents. Track Text Edit information is retained when a structured docu-
ment is saved to XML.
You can toggle through changes in a document that has had change tracking enabled, with
Show Next and Show Previous commands. You can accept or reject single edits or all edits,
and you can preview the document with all changes accepted, or with no changes. If you
enable, then disable change tracking, tracking information is saved until you decide to
accept or reject the changes.
FrameMaker also provides change bar capabilities and a document comparison feature.
You can compare any two documents or books to find exactly where text has been added,
deleted, or moved. You also can apply a condition tag to the text that has been added and
merge both versions into a composite document.
FrameMaker examines each of the following when comparing documents and books: text,
footnotes, anchored frames, tables, variables and their definitions, cross-reference formats
and references, footnote text, marker types, and marker text.
Using Track Text Edit
The Track Text Edit feature is available in all FrameMaker documents, structured or
unstructured. Track Text Edit information is retained when a structured document is saved
as XML.
1. Make sure that View>Track Text Edit Bar is enabled and the Track Text Edit bar is