2. Click the Enable/Disable button to enable the Track Text Edit feature.
3. Continue editing the document. Inserted text is marked green and underlined; deleted
text is red with strike-through formatting.
4. There are several options for reviewing edits. Click the Show Next or Show Previous
buttons to navigate to the next or previous edit. Click the Preview Final button to view
the document with all edits accepted, or Preview Original to view the document with
all edits rejected.
5. To accept or reject a single edit, click Accept Edit or Reject Edit. To accept or reject all
edits, click Accept All or Reject All.
Comparing Two Documents
1. Open both versions of the two documents you wish to compare, make the newer
version active, then choose File>Utilities>Compare Documents. The Compare
Documents dialog appears with the older document selected in the pop-up menu.
Choose Summary and Composite Documents or Summary Document only, then click
Options to specify the appearance of inserted and deleted text and to choose a
condition tag to apply to changed text in the comparison documents. After you return
to the Compare Documents dialog, click Compare.
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