5. Click Continue. FrameMaker opens the XML document.
Editing an XML Document
1. To edit an XML document, choose File>Open. In the Open dialog, select a valid XML
file and click Open. FrameMaker automatically applies the appropriate styles and page
layouts to format the XML document for screen display, editing, and printing.
After you make your revisions, you can save your document in XML format by choosing
You can define multiple FrameMaker structured applications to support editing multiple
XML document types. A structured application associates a DTD or XML Schema, a tem-
plate (containing an EDD) and a set of conversion rules with a certain type of XML. When
you open a file of that XML type, FrameMaker automatically reads the proper configura-
tion and template settings to provide you with a WYSIWYG guided editing environment.
FrameMaker 8 software provides several new example structured applications for common
documents. You can use these structured applications, or modify them to meet your own
authoring and publishing requirements.
After you save a structured FrameMaker document to an XML file, the file can be opened
or edited by other XML authoring tools, or can be used for output to other channels.