With FrameMaker software you can open, edit, and save valid XML, enabling the use of
XML-based technologies for interactive and dynamic content delivery. The XML transfor-
mation language (XSLT) is one such key technology.
You can automatically associate an XSLT (or CSS) file with an XML document by automat-
ically adding an XML processing instruction. The following XML application definition
automatically inserts an XSLT processing instruction when writing an XML document.
When the XML file is opened in Microsoft Internet Explorer or most other modern Web
browsers, the browser applies the XSLT transformation and displays the result. This is a
common way of deploying XML-based Web content.
Structured application definition that associates XSLT style sheet with XML documents
Using XSLT on Import or Export
You can specify that FrameMaker apply an XSL transformation when opening or saving an
XML document. This is useful for automatically mapping between an XML structure that
is useful for storing or exchanging content and a structure that works best for authoring
content. It can also be used for other automatic manipulation of content, such as automat-
ically sorting glossary entries when a file is saved. The following application definition
automatically applies an XSL transformation to convert the XML document to WML
(wireless markup language) for display on small-screen devices.
Structured application definition that specifies an XSLT transformation when an XML document
is saved
FrameMaker 8 software provides greatly improved support for authoring and publishing
documents that conform to the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA). DITA is
an increasingly popular standard for authoring, exchanging, and publishing topic-oriented
technical content. DITA was designed to support modern business requirements, including
topic-level content management, decreased product development timeframes, multiple
document variations, and multi-channel publishing.