Sorting and preparing laundry
Sorting laundry
• Sort by fabric type:
– Cotton/linen for programmes in COTTONS (Baumwolle) pogramme group.
– Mixtures and synthetics for programmes in SYNTHETICS (Mischgewebe) pro-
gramme group.
• Sorting by care label. The care labels mean:
Drying in the tum-
ble dryer possible
in principle
Dry at normal
Dry at reduced
CATE option!)
Drying in the tum-
ble dryer not pos-
Do not place in the appliance any wet laundry which is not specified on the
care label as being suitable for tumble-drying.
This appliance can be used for all wet laundry items which are labelled as
suitable for tumble-drying.
• Do not dry new, coloured textiles together with light-coloured laundry items. Tex-
tile colours may bleed.
• Do not dry cotton jersey and knitwear with the EXTRA programme. Items may
• Wool and wool-like textiles can be dried using the WOOL (Wolle) programme.
Before the drying cycle spin the woollen textiles as well as possible (max. 1200
rpm). Only dry woollen textiles together which are similar or the same with respect
to material, colour and weight. Please dry heavy laundry items made of wool
Special notes about Pro Steam
• The following textiles cannot be treated using a Pro Steam programme:
leather, textiles with large metal, wooden or plastic parts, textiles with
rusting metal parts, oilskins or wax cotton garments.
electrolux 15