Scanning with the
TWAIN Interface
Instead of using the scanner buttons or the OneTouch Button Panel to
scan, you can scan from the TWAIN interface. The PaperPort
application you received with your scanner uses the TWAIN interface
for scanning. This scanning method is particularly helpful when you’re
already using PaperPort to file and save scanned items, or if you want to
adjust scanning settings prior to scanning.
A Note About Your Scanner and the TWAIN standard: TWAIN is a
widely recognized procedure that software applications use to receive
images from scanners, digital cameras, and other digital devices. The
PaperPort software you received with your scanner uses the TWAIN
standard, and this guide shows how to scan with it. But you can also
open the same TWAIN interface from many other graphics and
imaging applications and scan from them as well. Because the TWAIN
interface is the same regardless of the software you use to open it, you
can still use the instructions in this User’s Guide for scanning with your
Visioneer 9750 scanner. To access the TWAIN interface from other
software, please refer to their user’s guides, then return to this User’s
Guide for the steps to scan.
Note: You can also access the TWAIN interface when you’re scanning
from the OneTouch software. If the OneTouch configuration you’re
using to scan is set to Configure Before Scan, and the selected option
is TWAIN, the TWAIN interface opens right away without opening
PaperPort or any other TWAIN-compliant software first. See the
section “Configuring Before Scanning” on page 73 for details.