
Prompt for Visa Bill Payment -- (Default = Checked) -- If this option is checked and the
active processor is either NPC or Vital (VISA), PCCharge will display a prompt during a
transaction asking if it is a bill payment transaction. For more information on bill payment,
consult the Notes for these processors in the PCCharge Appendices.
Cards Accepted
(VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover, and Private Label Cards are checked by default.
All other options are unchecked by default)
Some credit card processing companies will authorize a credit card transaction even if your
company's account is not set up to process that type of credit card. However, transactions
for that card type will not be settled. If your company's account is not set up to process
transactions for a particular type of credit card and you want to avoid any accidental
authorizations of that card type, uncheck the option that applies to that card type.
Example: Your company's credit card processing account is not set up to process
American Express cards, but your credit card processing company authorizes them
anyway. If you check the option AMEX, American Express transactions will be authorized
even though your company's credit card processing account can't settle those transactions.
If you uncheck the option AMEX, PCCharge will prevent American Express transactions
from accidentally being authorized.
Private Label Cards -- (Default = Checked) -- If you check this box, private label cards will
be accepted. Uncheck this option if you only want to process transactions using major
credit cards. Consult the section Private Label Card Setup for more information (see page
Click the Advanced button if you want to access the Advanced Configuration Setup
window (see page 39). The Advanced Configuration Setup window includes some of the
more advanced options of PCCharge. Most users should click OK and skip ahead to the
section Merchant Setup Wizard (see page 41).