
Simple Explanation: This section explains how to access each report
and find out what transaction information each report presents. You will also
learn how to configure your report's data.
The Reports menu has many sub-menus. The reports are categorized by the type of data
they display: credit card Transactions, Batches, Check transactions, Debit transactions,
etc. When selected, each Reports menu item brings up a window similar to the following:
Note: Not all Reports windows selectable from the Reports menu will have
the same options and fields accessible. For example, in the Today's Summary
Report, you wouldn't be able to change the Member: and Ticket #: fields.
Further, not all processing companies will have access to the same reports. An
account using a host based system would, of course, not be able to access the
Settled Batch report (host based systems close their batches, terminal based
systems settle their batches).