1. If Enable Archive Prompt is checked in the Transaction Archive window,
PCCharge will examine its database during startup. If the size of the PCCharge
database exceeds the Size Limit specified in this window, PCCharge will ask you if
you want to archive the PCCharge database.
2. We recommend that most users click Yes to increase operational efficiency, speed up
transaction processing, and decrease the likelihood of database corruption.
Technical Details: If you click Yes, PCCharge will first check to see how
old the transactions in its database are. It will then consult the value of the
Keep Transactions in the Transaction Archive window. Transactions that are
younger than Keep Transactions will not be included in the archive.
Transactions that are applicable to archiving and that are older than Keep
Transactions will be moved out of the current database and into the archived
3. PCCharge will consult the value of the Archive Location in the Transaction Archive
window to determine where it should put the archived database. You can configure
this location in the Transaction Archive window.
4. If you've previously archived the database, PCCharge will append any newly archived
transactions to that existing database (unless you specify a different Archive
5. After PCCharge has completed the archive process, perform a Repair/Compact:
• Click Utilities on the menu bar. Click the Repair option. PCCharge will take a
few moments to repair your database, depending on its size.
• PCCharge will notify you when the process is complete. Click the OK Button.
• Click Utilities on the menu bar. Click the Compact option. PCCharge will take a
few moments to compact your database, depending on its size.
• PCCharge will notify you when the process is complete. Click the OK Button.
6. You database has now been archived, repaired, and compacted. You should follow
these steps whenever PCCharge asks you if you want to archive the PCCharge