
Exp. Date (MMYY):
Enter the cardholder's credit card account expiration date here. A slash or space is not
required. (Example: For 01/00, enter 0100)\
Ticket Number:
Enter your sales or invoice number in the Ticket field. This is a number that you designate.
It can be any internal reference number.
Amount $:
Enter the dollar amount of the transaction here. The dollar sign need not be entered.
(Example: For $25.25, enter 25.25)
Cash Back:
Allows you to enter the cash back amount. The cash back is an amount over the amount of
purchase. This amount is to be given to the customer. Cash back is a service that EBT
transactions allow you to offer to your customers.
This field shows the total amount of the transaction. It is calculated by adding the Amount
to the Cash Back field.