
Using Voice Auth Processing
Complete the following instructions to record a Voice Auth in PCCharge.
1. Select the desired merchant account from the Active Company Display at the bottom
of the PCCharge window.
2. Access the Credit Card Transactions window by clicking the Credit icon.
3. Click the Post-Auth tab.
4. Fill out the transaction fields with the transaction information received from the
customer and enter the authorization code received from the processing company.
5. You now have two options. The option you should choose depends on your particular
scenario. Read each of the following options to determine which is best for you.
If you're ready to initiate the transfer of the funds from the customer's account to
your account (by including the transaction in your settlement file), click the
Process or View List button. This scenario would be recommended for
situations in which you normally process Sale transactions and are only
performing a Voice Auth because you can't access PCCharge (or the
processing company).
You may want PCCharge to treat the transaction as a Pre-Auth. That is, you
want to have the customer's account's "limit to buy" reduced, but you're not ready
to initiate the transfer of the funds from the customer's account to your account. If
this describes your situation, click the Store Voice-Auth button. This scenario
would be recommended, for example, in MOTO or e-Commerce environments in
which the transfer of funds cannot be initiated until the merchandise is shipped.
The Store Voice-Auth feature is currently supported by the following credit card
processing companies:
° Vital (VISA)
° First Horizon (FTMS)
° CardSystems (MVRK)
° RBS Lynk Systems, Inc. (LYNK)
° First Hawaiian (FHAW)
° Global Payments-East (NDC) - restaurant only
° Paymentech (GSAR) - restaurant only
° Heartland Payment Systems (HPTS)
6. If you clicked Process or View List, you have successfully recorded the Voice Auth
in PCCharge. The transaction is ready for closure/settlement, and you may continue
with normal transaction processing. Follow-up transactions (Void, Gratuity, etc.) may
be performed on the transaction you've recorded during these steps.
7. If you clicked Store Voice-Auth, PCCharge has merely recorded the transaction in its
database. The original voice authorization that you received from the processing
company reduced the customer's account's "limit to buy", but it didn't initiate
settlement of the transaction. When you're ready to actually initiate the transfer of the
funds from the customer's account to your account, you must process a second Post-
Auth transaction on the original transaction (which PCCharge treats as a Pre-Auth).
Note: The authorization code issued to you by the processing company has a lifespan
of approximately one week (varies by processing company).