
Credit Card Company
0000 0000 0000 0000
John Q Smith
Note: MSV protects you from fraud related to credit cards with forged
magnetic strip information. If the information encrypted on the magnetic strip
does not match the last four digits of the raised credit card number on the front
of the card, PCCharge will not allow the transaction to be processed (if MSV is
Do not process Post-Auth if amount greater than Pre-Auth -- (Default = Unchecked) --
When this option is checked, PCCharge will not allow a Post-Authorization transaction to
be processed if that amount is greater than the corresponding Pre-Authorization transaction
Prompt to Add Customer to Database -- (Default = Unchecked) -- Not available in
“Payment Server” version of PCCharge.
Use Default Processor -- (Default = Unchecked) -- This feature is utilized by third-party
integrated software. Leave this option unchecked unless otherwise instructed by the
developers of your integrated software or a PCCharge Technical Support Representative.
Display Transaction Elapsed Time -- (Default = Unchecked) -- If this option is checked,
the PCCharge transaction result message box will also display the amount of time elapsed
in between connecting to the processing company and receiving a result for the
transaction(s). This is a diagnostic / benchmarking feature.
Display Total Elapsed Time -- (Default = Unchecked) -- If this option is checked, the
PCCharge transaction result message box will also display the amount of time elapsed in
between a transaction (or batch of transactions) entering the PCCharge queue and
receiving a result for the transaction(s). This is a diagnostic / benchmarking feature.
Enable TCP/IP Client Reversals -- (Default = Checked) -- This feature is utilized by third-
party integrated software. Leave this option unchecked unless otherwise instructed by the
developers of your integrated software or a PCCharge Technical Support Representative.
Mask Card Numbers on Customer Database Screen -- (Default = Checked) -- Not
available in “Payment Server” version of PCCharge.