
1. Product Overview
3. Uponinstallingthecerticateoracceptingtheunrecognized
to install. Before the installation completes, a security warning
may appear stating that the connection to this website is
untrusted. This is a security issue similar to one you get from
Security Certificate Installation sectionoftheOwner’sManual
for further instructions.
4. Enter in your username and password, and press Enter. If this
is the first time you are accessing the KVM, enter in the default
username (admin) and password (access). The My Targets page
of the Web Configuration Interface opens, showing the state of
your unit, and displaying all your available Target Servers.
5. Click on the Configuration icon at the top of the screen
topulluptheKVM’sConfiguration screen. It opens with
the Device tab displayed.
6. There are two LAN sections in the Device tab, one for
IPv4 and one for IPv6. For IPv4, you have the options
(default), automatically assigning a stateless address, manually assigning an address, or disabling IPv6 altogether. Make the desired
selections, depending on how you wish the IP address to be assigned.
7. Populate the fields in the IPv4 or IPv6 sections with the desired network information.
8. Click the Save icon in the toolbar above the Configurationmenutabstosavethenetworksettings.UponclickingSave, you will be
prompted to reboot the KVM to finish the implementation of the new Device settings. Click Yes to proceed.
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