Adding an Internet span ________________________________
1. Choose Trunks > New Trunk > Internet Span. A new Internet Span
dialog box opens.
2. On the General tab, specify the following information for the span:
n IP Board number. The sequence number of this Dialogic DM3
IPLink board as installed in your Strata CS Server computer (the
sequence number of the first DM3 board is 1, not 0).
n IP Address. The IP address of the IP Link board if it has its own
built-in Network Interface Card (NIC), otherwise the IP address of
the Strata CS Server computer’s NIC.
n Description. A description of the span. Include the address of the
span in the description for easy reference.
n Number of trunks. The number of trunks contained in the span.
Enter the number of channels available on the Dialogic DM3 IPLink
board. To find the number of channels available on your board, refer
to the model number of the board and Strata CS Installation &
Maintenance Manual.
n Starting trunk number. The starting trunk number of the span. The
numbers of the trunks belonging to this span are displayed. If your
system also has analog trunks, the analog trunks must have the lower
trunk numbers, so if you have not added them yet, leave room for
them in your numbering of the span.