Using dialing services to install and troubleshoot trunks
You can also use dialing services to install and test new trunk lines without
interfering with live call handling on the Strata CS Server. You add the new
trunks to a service that you use for testing. After the trunks work properly, you
can move them to the default Phone Number service or another dialing service
that users access to place calls.
You can also use dialing services to isolate problem trunks from your system
without interrupting service. Remove them from the dialing service and the
Server will no longer use them to place calls.
Disabling dialing services while creating them
While you are creating a dialing service, it can be helpful to uncheck Enabled on
the General tab. Doing this disables the dialing service, making it unavailable to
users. With the dialing service disabled, you can click
OK to save your
information at any time during the creation process, without giving users access
to an incomplete service. When you have finished creating the dialing service,
Enabled again.
Access codes _________________________________________
Dialing services enable users to select what kind of call to make and to choose a
dialing service before placing a call. Each dialing service has an access code that
users must dial when they begin to place a call. For example, users might dial
plus a phone number to use a Phone Number dialing service, or
71 plus an IP
address to use an Internet dialing service.
Tips on access codes and names for services
If your system has multiple dialing services that users will access directly, it is
important to choose their names and access codes carefully, because these are the
points of contact for the users who place outbound calls. Typically, you set up
dialing services with names like “Phone number,” “Centrex extension,” or
“Cambridge IP gateway” and access codes of 9 or 7, making it easy for users to
remember the dialing service to use when they place a call.
For dialing services that you do not want users to access directly and that you may
have hidden (see “Hiding dialing services in the Client” on page 8-6), consider
using 4-digit access codes of the form 80xx. Doing this places the access codes in
the same numbering space as is used for auto attendants, which helps prevent
dialing ambiguities. It is important not to select access codes that begin with the
same digit as extensions.