See also: routing list (p. G-22), call rule (p. G-6)
Active Settings Collection of Strata CS settings that together determine how
incoming calls are handled. Active Settings include the active routing list, active greeting,
Where I Am location, and ringer status. Active settings change with personal status and can
also be changed directly. Changing active settings directly overrides personal status.
See Also: personal status (p. G-19), Where I Am (p. G-27), greeting (p. G-14), routing
list (p. G-22)
ActiveX Microsoft’s specification for language-independent modules that can be
imbedded in an application and accessed as if they were part of the application.
See also: ActiveX control (p. G-2)
ActiveX Control Also called: control
The Windows-based software components that can be embedded in applications to add new
functionality. Hundreds of controls are available to perform data access, imaging, host
connectivity, multimedia, and so forth.
Administrator Also called: Strata CS administrator, system administrator
The person who is primarily responsible for, or in charge of, the Strata CS system. The
Strata CS administrator can set up users, trunks, auto attendants, and modify all other
system settings.
See also: Administrator (Strata CS program) (p. G-2)
Administrator (Strata CS program) Also called: Strata CS Administra-
The Windows-based software application that is used to configure, monitor, and manage
the Strata CS system.
See also: administrator (p. G-2)
Administrator User Any Strata CS user who has administrator permissions, which
allow the user to log on to the Strata CS Administrator. Also indicates the Admin user that
ships by default with Strata CS.
See also: Administrator (Strata CS program) (p. G-2), Operator user (p. G-18)
After Hours greeting An audio greeting that a caller hears after business hours,
usually accompanied by an invitation to leave a voice mail message.
See also: active greeting (p. G-1), grab-and-hold greeting (p. G-13), greeting (p. G-14)
Agent User who answers calls to a call center or ACD workgroup.
See Also: call center (p. G-4), ACD workgroup (p. G-1)