
for bandwidth or voice quality reasons, codecs are listed in the Strata CS Administrator in
order of preference. Strata CS supports the following codecs: G.729A, G.723.1, G.711,
Common Carrier The local phone company or long-distance company that provides
telecommunications circuits and services to the general public. Common carriers are
regulated and licensed by state or federal agencies.
See also: private carrier (p. G-20)
Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) Also called: CLEC
A company that competes with a LEC to provide local exchange service. CLECs are
allowed to buy access to the LEC network for resale, or they can build their own network.
See also: Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) (p. G-16)
Computer Telephone Integration (CTI) Also called: CTI
The integration of computers with standard telephone switches (PBXs) to allow more
sophisticated switching. For example, a switch could supply a computer with a caller ID
for an incoming call. The computer could then look up the caller ID in a database and
provide the switch with appropriate routing information. Computer telephone integration
is just one aspect of computer telephony.
See also: caller ID (p. G-6), computer telephony (CT) (p. G-8), private branch exchange
(PBX) (p. G-20), switch (p. G-24)
Computer Telephony (CT) Also called: CT
Computer technology applied to telephony. CT is an umbrella term for such diverse
technologies as computer telephone integration (CTI), interactive voice response (IVR), IP
telephony, PC PBXs, and fax-on-demand.
See also: computer telephone integration (CTI) (p. G-8), fax-on-demand (p. G-12), inter-
active voice response (IVR) (p. G-15), IP telephony (p. G-16), PC PBX (p. G-19)
Conference Call A call that involves three or more callers.
Connection A continuity of circuit that enables two or more parties or devices to
communicate via a phone line.
Contact A record that contains a person's name, address and/or phone number.
See also: global contact (p. G-13), personal contact (p. G-19)
Contact Manager Also called: personal information manager (PIM), PIM
A software application that stores names, addresses, phone numbers, schedules, and other
personal information for contacts. Popular contact management software includes: Strata
CS Client, Act!, Goldmine, and Outlook.
See also: contact (p. G-8)