To turn the user’s call forwarding off, uncheck Forward Calls in the Call
Forwarding dialog box.
Mobile phone issues with forwarded calls
Calls to a mobile phone are picked up by the mobile phone company first, and
then passed to the individual phone. When Strata CS detects the first pickup, it
stops proceeding down the routing list, whether or not anyone has actually
answered the mobile phone. For this reason, when forwarding calls to a mobile
phone, always check
Prompt recipient to accept or decline call. Strata CS then
relies on user input to signal a connection, and proceeds down the routing list
unless someone explicitly accepts the forwarded call.
Call forwarding and voice mail
If a forwarded call is not answered, it is sent to the user’s voice mail.
To completely transfer a user’s calls to another user's phone, so that the other user
receives voice mail as well as the calls themselves, do not use call forwarding.
Instead, use the Client to create a routing list whose final action is Transfer to
Extension, and make it the user’s active routing list. See Strata CS Client User
Forwarding calls over Centrex/PBX trunks
If your Server uses Centrex trunks or if it is connected to an external PBX, you
can forward calls using the option
Attempt Centrex/PBX transfer, which
economizes Strata CS’s trunk usage.
If this option is checked, Strata CS attempts to route the user’s incoming calls out
to the forwarding number on the same trunk line using a Centrex or external PBX
transfer, thus saving two Strata CS trunks. Strata CS makes the attempt only when
the incoming call is on an analog Centrex/PBX line; it routes incoming calls on
other trunk types to the forwarding number in the usual way, using a second trunk.
Forwarding calls with this method avoids tying up extra trunks. However,
when a call is routed out using a Centrex/PBX transfer, Strata CS loses control of
it and cannot send it to subsequent steps on the user’s routing list. For example,
after a call is transferred using Centrex/PBX, it does not go to voice mail.
This option is also available when specifying external phone numbers in a user’s
routing list. See Strata CS Client User Guide.
Listing a user in the dial-by-name directory
To include a user's name in the dial-by-name directory that callers can search,
List in dial-by-name directory on the Call handling tab. This option can
also be set in the Strata CS Client.