Web Application for Polycom Phones UC Software 5.0.0
Polycom, Inc. 80
An index greater than eight is ignored.
By default, a Back soft key is placed on the graphic display even if one is not defined.
Note: When the Back Soft Key Doesn’t Display
When mb.main.autoBackKey is set to 0, the Back soft key will not display.
When using more than one Submit soft key on a page, change the name to distinguish between
For example, to create a simple page:
Table 68: Sample Code - Hello World
<p> Hello World! </p><br/>
<softkey index="1" label="Home" action="SoftKey:Home" />
<softkey index="2" label="Refresh" action="SoftKey:Refresh" />
<softkey index="4" label="Exit" action="SoftKey:Exit" />
<softkey index="3" label="Back" action="SoftKey:Back" />
Sample Configuration
The following sample configuration shows you how to enable your users to use the Web applications that
you developed.
In this example:
mb.proxy is set to the address of the desired HTTP proxy to be used by the microbrowser or
browser. For example,
mb.idleDisplay.home is set to the URL used for the microbrowser or browser idle screen home
page. For example, .
mb.idleDisplay.refresh is set to the period in seconds between refreshes of the idle display
microbrowser or browser’s content.