Web Application for Polycom Phones UC Software 5.0.0
Polycom, Inc. 55
This tag defines a table header cell in a table. The text within the <th> element usually renders in bold.
The bgcolor, height, width, and nowrap attributes of the <th> element are not supported in XHTML
1.0 Strict DTD.
The <th> tag supports the attributes listed in the following table.
Table 46: <th> Tag Attributes
Specifies an abbreviated version of the content in a cell.
left, right, center, justify, char
Specifies the horizontal alignment of cell content text.
Defines a name for a cell.
rgb(x,x,x), #xxxxxx, colorname
Specifies the background color of the table cell. Deprecated. Use styles instead.
Specifies which character to align text on. Used if align=char.
Specifies the alignment offset to the first character to align on. Used if align=char.
The class of the element.
Indicates the number of columns this cell should span.
ltr (left to right), rtl (right to left)
A space-separated list of cell IDs that supply header information for the cell. This attribute allows text-only
browsers to render the header information for a given cell.
Specifies the height of the table cell. Deprecated. Use styles instead.
Defines a unique name for the map tag.