Polycom, Inc. 5
About This Guide
This guide uses a number of conventions that help you to understand information and perform tasks.
Conventions Used in This Guide
This user guide contains terms, graphical elements, and a few typographic conventions. Familiarizing
yourself with these terms, elements, and conventions will help you perform certain tasks.
Information Elements
The following icons are used to alert you to various types of important information in this guide
Icons Used in this Guide
The Note icon highlights information of interest or important information
needed to be successful in accomplishing a procedure or to understand a
The Administrator Tip icon highlights techniques, shortcuts, or productivity
related tips.
The Caution icon highlights information you need to know to avoid a hazard
that could potentially impact device performance, application functionality, or
successful feature configuration.
The Warning icon highlights an action you must perform (or avoid) to prevent
issues that may cause you to lose information or your configuration setup,
and/or affect phone or network performance.
The Web Info icon highlights supplementary information available online such
as documents or downloads on support.polycom.com or other locations.
The Timesaver icon highlights a faster or alternative method for accomplishing
a method or operation.
The Power Tip icon faster, alternative procedures for advanced administrators
already familiar with the techniques being discussed.
The Troubleshooting icon highlights information that may help you solve a
relevant problem or to refer you to other relevant troubleshooting resources.
The Settings icon highlights settings you may need to choose for a specific
behavior, to enable a specific feature, or to access customization options.