Web Application for Polycom Phones UC Software 5.0.0
Polycom, Inc. 14
The browser display is limited by the total display area available on each Polycom phone model. If you
are creating an application for a specific Polycom phone model, consider the display area as a factor in
the design of your Web application.
The following table shows the total screen size (in pixels) for each phone model and the audio and video
tag support for each.
Table 3: Polycom Phone and Browser Window Sizes and HTML5 Audio and Video Tag support
Screen Size
Full Browser Screen Size (pixels)
Idle Browser
Screen Size
When toolbar-auto-
hide is enabled
When toolbar-auto-
hide is disabled
When running SIP 3.2.2 or later.
What is the Microbrowser?
The microbrowser is what Polycom calls the smaller, limited-capability browser available on phones that
feature smaller display screens. The microbrowser’s functions are similar to the browser available on
phones with larger displays, but the microbrowser supports only a subset of the XHTML 1.0 features
available to the browser. For example, it can connect to Web servers hosted on the Internet or intranet to
display XHTML pages, but it does not have full Web browser functionality.
The XHTML pages displayed on the microbrowser contain static or dynamic information. This information
is defined as follows:
Static XHTML These pages are created using XHTML editors and are hosted by the Web server.
You can access these pages from the microbrowser using HTTP protocol. These XHTML pages
are static because the information displayed is coded into the XHTML pages. These pages do not
include information that continuously changes or contacts other services for updates.