
Web Application for Polycom Phones UC Software 5.0.0
Polycom, Inc. 31
Use the following format when viewing the offhook event:
Table 20 Code Snippet for Offhook Event
<PhoneIP> </PhoneIP>
<MACAddress> </MACAddress>
<TimeStamp> </TimeStamp>
Viewing an Onhook Event
The Onhook Event notifies an application when a call has ended. For example, this can be used for call
logging information.
Use the following format when viewing the onhook event:
Table 21: Onhook Event
<PhoneIP> </PhoneIP>
<MACAddress> </MACAddress>
<TimeStamp> </TimeStamp>
Viewing a Phone Lock Event
The phone lock event notifies the application when the phone is locked. The application should not send
many instructions to the phone when it is locked since most operations are ignored in a locked state.
Use the following format when viewing the phone lock event:
Table 22: Phone Lock Event
<PhoneIP> </PhoneIP>
<MACAddress> </MACAddress>
<TimeStamp> </TimeStamp>