Web Application for Polycom Phones UC Software 5.0.0
Polycom, Inc. 25
HTML Data Push
The data push enables you to send XHTML page content directly to a phone without the overhead of the
phone having to fetch the XHTML.
Use the following format when sending the HTML Data Push:
<Data priority=”X” >Y</Data>
When pushing data to a phone, make sure to send the request to:
http://<Phone IP>/push
The attributes listed in the following table are supported by HTML push requests.
Table 12: HTML Push Requests
Critical, Important, High, Normal
Sets the priority of the push, which determines how and when the URL is requested. For more information on how
priority affects HTML push requests, see the following table.
If attribute is absent, Normal is used.
The maximum content length for push request is 2KB.
Note: Where Tags Are Defined
The <Data> tag must be defined under a <PolycomIPPhone> root tag. For example:
<Data priority=”Important”> <h1> Fire Drill at 2pm </h1> Please
exit and congregate at your appropriate location outside </Data>
The following table describes the results of using a specific priority.
Table 13: How Priority Affects HTML Push Requests
The phone will display push request immediately.
The phone will display push request immediately.
The phone will display push request immediately.
The phone will display push request immediately.
The phone will display push request immediately.