A – 2 Appendix A: Programming Commands
Description ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Specifies the length of a page ESC C n 27 67 n 1B 43 n
ESC C NUL m 27 67 0 m 1B 43 00 m
Skip over perforation ESC N n 27 78 n 1B 4E n
advances paper when less
than 1 inch remains at
bottom of page
Cancels skip over perforation ESC O 27 79 1B 4F
Form Feed
Prints data in buffer, returns FF 12 0C
the carriage, then advances
paper to the top of the
next page
Prints data in single-density ESC K 27 75 1B 4B
bit image graphics mode;
60 x 72 DPI
Prints data in half-speed, ESC L 27 76 1B 4C
double-density bit image
graphics mode; 120 x 72 DPI.
Prints data in normal-speed, ESC Y 27 89 1B 59
double-density bit image
graphics mode; 120 x 72 DPI.
Prints data in quadruple- ESC Z 27 90 1B 5A
density bit image graphics
mode; 240 x 72 DPI
Horizontal Tab
Tabs to next horizontal HT 9 09
tab stop
Cancel tabs ESC D NUL 27 68 0 1B 44 00
Line Feed
Advances paper one line LF 10 0A
Advances paper one line VT 11 0B