Programming 3 – 33
Printing Multiline Graphics
One LPRINT statement cannot print more than one line of graphics, so
you have to enter a separate LPRINT statement for each subsequent line
of graphics.
To illustrate this, add these lines to the SAMPLE 2 program:
40 FOR J = 1 TO 4
This loop causes the LPRINT statement to be repeated four times. Here
is the result:
Notice that there is a space between each pair of lines. This is because the
standard distance from the top of one line to the top of the next is 1/6
inch, but a column of graphics is only 1/9 inch high (8 dots x 1/72 inch
per dot = 8/72 inch = 1/9 inch). To print a continuous image with no gaps
between the lines, you must use the ESC A command to change line
height to 8/72 inch and ESC 2 to activate the change. Add these lines:
30 LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(65);CHR$(8)
35 LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(50)