Programming 3 – 11
Line Spacing
The default line spacing for the printer is 6 lines per inch. This means that
when the printer power is turned on, the spacing from the bottom of one
line to the bottom of the next line on the same page is automatically set
to 1/6 inch. This is also the normal spacing of a standard typewriter.
The line spacing can be changed to 8 lines per inch to fit more lines of
printing per page, and for special effects, you can also vary line spacing
in multiples of 1/72 or 1/126 inch. This affects space between lines only,
not the height of the characters.
ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
ESC 0 27 48 1B 30
The ESC 0 command sets line spacing to 1/8 inch.
ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
ESC 1 27 49 1B 31
The ESC 1 command sets line spacing to 7/72 inch.
ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
ESC A n 27 65 1-85 1B 41 01-55
The ESC A command is a user-selectable line space setting that enables
you to choose a setting in increments of 1/72 inch. You can select a
maximum line space setting of 85/72 inches, which is the equivalent of
one printed line every 1-13/72 inches.
ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
ESC 2 27 50 1B 32