Soft Input Panel 29
Soft Input Panel
The Soft Input Panel (SIP) is always available by tapping the SIP icon in the system tray when the
MX6 PPC is powered On. It is always available with one exception – when the Today screen is
To show or hide the input panel, tap the Input Panel button (the icon looks like a keyboard and is
shown in the System tray). Tap the arrow next to the SIP icon to see the soft input panel Choices
When you use the input panel, the word completion program anticipates the word you are typing
or writing and displays it above the input panel. When you tap the displayed word, the word is
inserted into your text at the insertion point.
To change word suggestion options, such as the number of words suggested at one time, tap Start
| Settings | Personal | Input | Word Completion tab.
Use the input panel to enter information in any program. You can either type on the soft keyboard
or write on the touch screen using Letter Recognizer or Block Recognizer. In either case, the
characters appear as typed text on the screen.
Figure 22 Soft Input Panel
• Tap the 123 key to display either an alphanumeric keyboard or a numeric keyboard with
characters usually accessed by capitalizing alphanumeric keys on a physical keyboard.
• Tap the Shift key to type one capital letter.
• Tap the CAP key to type all capital letters.
• Tap the au key to access symbols.