26 Enter Data
Tethered Scanners
The MX6 PPC Scan buttons have no effect on tethered barcode scanners (connected to a serial
port). Tethered scanners read barcode scans only when the trigger on the tethered scanner is
These actions should be performed by the System Administrator before the MX6 PPC is placed
into service.
• Tethered scanners connect to the MX6 PPC communication port or to the communication
port on an MX6 vehicle cradle.
• An adapter cable is required to attach a tethered scanner directly to the MX6 PPC
(MX6A056CBL3IND17D9M) or to the MX6 vehicle cradle (MX6A057CBL3IND9MD9M).
See “Accessories”.
• When using the 8500 series tethered scanners (LS3408), the tethered scanner Power Mode
must be set to “Reduced Power Mode”. The default is “Continuous On”. Setting the scanner
to reduced power mode will not impact performance of the 8500 series tethered scanners.
Refer to the manufacturers user guide for instruction.
• To set the MX6 PPC to use a tethered scanner, select Start | Settings | System | Scanner |
• Click the "Tethered scanner on COM 1" to enable the tethered scanner. Scanner data can be
configured for data rate, parity, stop bits and data bits using the COM1 tab.
• Perform a warm boot after enabling the tethered scanner to power it on.