SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
Setting up for Normal User IDs and FTP Servers
1. From the Special Jobs Menu select Option 3 - Change Special FTP Security Settings
or use CHGFTPSET command
2. On the FTP Security Settings screen, set Allow normal user IDs to log on the FTP to
*YES or use RLOGON (*YES) parameter
3. Return to the SafeNet/400 Main Menu and select the following options:
Select Option 1 - Work with Server Security Settings or use WRKSRV command
Locate the FTP Logon, FTP Client and/or FTP Server points. These must be set to
Level 1, 3, 4. (If you set these to Level 1, you can skip the rest of these steps.)
Select Option 2 - Work with User to Server Security or use WRKUSRSRV
The user ID must be authorized to the FTP Logon server and one of the following:
*FTP Client – if an OS/400 user will be FTP-ing OUT from your iSeries
*FTP Server – if an OS/400 user will be FTP-ing INTO your iSeries
Select Option 3 - Work with User to Object Level Security or use WRKUSROBJ
Authorize the user ID to their own current library as specified in the OS/400 user
profile. Enter this library in User to Object Security
Authorize the user ID to any other library or object. Enter these in User to Object
Select Option 5 - Work with User to FTP Statement Security or use
Authorize the user ID to the FTP statements they will use. Use F4 for additional user
settings if required.
Select Option 6 - Work with User to CL Command Security
Authorize the user to the CL commands they will issue through the FTP Server