SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
5. For Data Rights, type an X under the appropriate level of authority. Place an X for each
data right that applies.
6. For Existence Rights, type an X if this user will be able to create, delete or move an
To assign EXCLUSIONS to objects and/or libraries, give the user no rights by leaving
the Data Rights and Existence Rights columns blank.
7. Repeat these steps for each object or group of objects for this user profile.
PageDown to the next screen if you need more lines.
ENTER when you have finished keying in all necessary objects and rights.
The Maintain Authorized Objects by User screen is refreshed and all the information you
just entered is displayed.
Press F9 to continue to the next step - setting up user authorities to SQL statements.
If you have already entered objects for a particular user, and you are updating their user
to object level security, a list of existing object authorities will be displayed. To add
more, press F6. To delete an existing entry, type 4 in the Option column, then ENTER.