SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
Original Message Server
Description: Original Message Server - 100
The message function server allows users to communicate with each other by sending messages.
Users can communicate with other users at System i5 workstations or with users at personal
computers that are attached to the System i5 system.
The message function server routes messages sent from PC users to the appropriate user and
receives messages for PC users and sends them to the PC workstation.
Where used: Client Access for OS/2
Client Access for DOS with Extended Memory
Client Access for DOS
Server Identifier: *MSGFCL
Format Name: MESS0100
Levels Supported: Basic (Levels 1,2)
Intermediate (Level 3)
Limitations: None
Setting: Level 1, Log All
1. At Levels 3 and 4, the user must be authorized to the server function.
2. Generic (wildcard) names are supported for Level 4.