
SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
Setting the Server Function Logging Levels
The valid logging levels are:
Logging Level A Log all transactions
Logging Level R Log only rejected requests
Logging Level N No logging
As you set up your Server Function logging levels, please remember the following:
If you set the logging level on the Server Function to NO LOGGING or REJECTIONS, the
Server Function setting will override the individual user logging level.
If you set the logging level on the Server Function to ALL, the individual user logging level
will override the Server Function logging level.
To make sure you are logging transactions correctly, we recommend that when you initially set
up SafeNet/400 you set the Server Functions to log ALL and set the individual user logging
levels to either ALL or REJECTIONS.
Then, after you have had some experience with checking the logs and interpreting the results,
you may want to make changes for specific user and server combinations.