SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
SafeNet/400 Commands
Commands Description
ADDSNADM Maintain SafeNet administrators
ADDSNUSR Allows batch maintenance of SafeNet/400 users
ADDUSRCMD Allows batch maintenance of users to commands
ADDUSRFTP Allows batch maintenance of users to FTP
ADDUSROBJ Allows batch maintenance of users to objects
ADDUSRSQL Allows batch maintenance of users to SQL
ADDUSRSVR Allows batch maintenance of users to servers
CHGFTPSET Change FTP special settings
CHGNOTIFY Changes status of Alert Notification
CHGSPCSET Change SafeNet/400 special settings
CPYSNUSR Copy settings from one SafeNet/400 user to another
ENDTRP Ends the transaction logging program
PCREVIEW Starts the on-line transaction review process
PCTESTR Starts the on-line transaction testing program
PRTCLUSG Reports command usage and auto-enrollment
PRTFTPUSG Starts the FTP transaction and testing program
PRTOBJUSG Starts the object transaction and testing program
PRTPTHUSG Starts the IFS path transaction and testing program
PRTSECRPT Print security report