SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
Data Queue Server
Description: Data Queue Server - 100
A data queue is a System i5 object that is used by System i5 application programs for
communications. Applications can use data queues to pass data between jobs. Multiple System
i5 jobs can send or receive data from a single data queue.
Where used: iSeries Access for Windows
Server Identifier: *DATAQSRV
Format name: ZHQ00100
Levels Supported: Basic (Levels 1,2)
Intermediate (Level 3)
Advanced (Level 4)
Limitations: None
Setting: Level 1, Log All
1. At Levels 3 and 4 users must be granted access to the server function.
2. At Level 4 users must be granted access to specific data queues and libraries.
3. Supports generic (wildcard) data queue names. (DATAQ* = all data queue names
starting with the letters DATAQ)