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Eventide Band Delays features:
Eight voices of tempo-based filtered delays up to 1.2 seconds each.
Beat Grid lets you easily place delays in time with the music.
Tempo features allow all eight delays to lock to the session tempo.
Filter parameters include Band Pass, High Pass, Low Pass and Shelving types
with Q factors up to 100.
Filter frequencies can be “played” with a MIDI keyboard.
Full MIDI implementation offers loading of preset Snapshots and MIDI
controller support for Parameter Modulation.
Parameter Modulation with a host of Function Generator abilities for
incredibly dynamic sound shaping.
Master “Global” controls affect all similar parameters.
Soft Keys let you customize the preset parameters.
Intuitive graphical interface lets you see delay times, center frequencies and
bandwidth simultaneously.
Integrated mixer section offers level, pan and phase control for each voice.
Familiar interface is easy to use.