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Filter Tuning Hint:
Keep in mind that the Global Frequency parameter is an offset of these two
parameters. This means that the Global Frequency parameter’s value will add to the
Frequency and Note Name values.
Q Factor
These parameters control the individual Q factor, or bandwidth, for each of the eight
filters. Zero corresponds to a very wide frequency range while higher settings yield an
increasingly narrow, more resonant filter. The highest setting will oscillate for a long
time after the audio source is gone.
These filters are constructed such that the higher the Q factor, the higher the gain
through the filter. The perceived gain is about the same since a smaller band of
audio is passed through. Be careful when setting these filters to very high settings as
they can easily be set to distort signals.
Filter Type
This selects one of four filter types used for each of the eight voices. While the original
H3000 algorithm offered a band pass filter, we’ve included three more filter types
including high pass, low pass and notch.
Delay Time
These parameters set the delay times for each of the eight filtered voices. When
adjusting these values, you can dial in milliseconds and Seconds. They are not
quantized on this page which gives you control of the entire 1.2 Second range. If you
want to utilize quantized tempo control, use the Beat Grid on the Program page.