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Channel Strip Parameters
Across the top of the Program page is a “channel strip” containing one voice’s set of
controls. This acts as a convenient way to adjust any parameters for one voice at a
time without having to switch to the Expert page. To set the parameters for a given
voice, first click on a voice select button labeled F1 through F8. It will highlight a
ghoulish green to indicate the filtered delay that is selected. The “channel strip” will
instantly update to reflect the current settings for that voice. Note that you can only
edit one voice at a time. Refer to the Expert page for a detailed description of each
voice’s controls.
Beat Grid Elements
There are a few elements to the Beat Grid that you should understand.
Bars and Beats – Bars, beats and the subdivisions are displayed as a large grid.
The number of Bars and Beats displayed will be largely dependent upon the
Tempo and the chosen Meter. The Bars are labeled across the top and are
divided into beats (the heavy vertical lines) and sixteenth note subdivisions
(the light vertical lines).
Delay Markers – Each delay is represented as a color-coded X in the Beat
Grid. They are organized into rows labeled F1 through F8 (“F” for Filter).
Simply click and drag on each X to move it “in time” across the grid. Each
delay will snap to any of the available sixteenth note divisions to force it
perfectly in time. You’ll also notice that you can adjust these delays via the
Delay Time parameter on the Expert page, however they will not be
quantized to subdivided beats.