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Polarity – This sets the range of the chosen Soft Key and is useful when you
want to change the knob’s behavior. For example, you might choose “–100
to +100” when a Soft Key is controlling Global Pan. Otherwise, a range of “0
to 100” is the norm. Click on the drop down menu below the name field to
select the range of each Soft Key.
That’s all there is to it. Now, to use the Soft Key, select it as a Modulation Source for
one or more of the available Preset Parameters. Click on the button and turn the big
Knob or simply click and drag on the Soft Key value in the H3000 LCD to adjust it.
Here’s a cool feature – if you select a Soft Key as a source for FG Trigger and the FG
Type is one of the ramp (one-shot) wave shapes, clicking the Soft Key under the LCD
will execute the ramp.