
Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG8-2
Instruction Manual
Message / Level Potential Cause How to Solve
8-2 Solving Problems Indicated by Status Messages
8-2 Solving Problems Indicated by Status Messages
In the following all possible status messages
are listed in an alphabetical order together with
hints on the possible causes and tips on how
to solve the problems.
The list also shows a level indicator: In general
one can assign four different levels to causes
generating status messages. Depending on
the level assigned the instrument activates
different relay status signals, according the
NAMUR NE 1067 specifications.
Failures: Requires immediate actions. The
Instrument is not any longer working properly
and the output signal is invalid due to mal-
Off spec: The instrument is working out of its
specification (e.g. measuring range), or internal
diagnoses indicate deviations due to internal
problems. To achieve proper outputs corrective
action is required.
Check requests (also: Maintenance
requests): Instrument is still working properly,
within its specifications and the output signal
is valid, but maintenance is required in for-
seeable future because a function will soon be
restricted or a wear reserve is nearly exhausted.
Function Checks: The instrument is still
working properly but currently is in a status
where the output signal is temporarily invalid
(e.g. frozen) due to the ongoing work on the
instrument (e.g. during calibration).
If solving a reported problem
requires working inside an open
instrument take care of the
safety instructions given at the
beginning of this manual!
As mentioned status messages are displayed
inthe measuring screen‘s 4
line. Multiple status
messages active at a time show up sequentially
in the status line. To see all status messages at a
glance enter the STATUS menu:
Supported status levels:
1 Failures..
0 Check requests..
1 Function checks..
0 Off spec..
The first page shows 4 lines each beginning with
a number (indicating how many messages of the
related kind are active). Enter a line with a number
different than "0" to see the related messages.